

Introduction to food packaging bags

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For consumers, food bags can not be used directly. As a result, they will be discarded in the dustbin after eating food. However, in recent years, the National Health Department has more and more strict requirements on the hygienic standards of food packaging, requiring its plastic raw materials to meet the standard requirements. Such a great effort is not groundless. Food poisoning incidents caused by unsanitary food packaging bags and non-compliance with corresponding safety standards are not uncommon in China.
So, why can food packaging bags attract such high attention and hygienic standards? Its obvious function: packaging provides protection for food. It plays an irreplaceable role in preventing food from being polluted by external microorganisms or other substances and preventing or reducing food oxidation. Packaging is an indispensable part of human life. At the same time, unqualified packaging directly affects human health.
Secondly, food packaging bags also have the function of explanation. Bags and labels tell people how to use, transport, recycle or dispose of packaging or food. This is a food manual. Thirdly, food packaging bags play a role in publicity and marketing. Merchants often use packaging labels to encourage potential buyers to buy goods. For decades, food packaging design has become an important and changing phenomenon. Marketing and graphic design are applied to the highlights of packaging boxes and (for some reason) sales presentations.